The future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies
~ Albert Einstein
About Lights of Energy
Lights of Energy is a wellness health center that offers treatments to support the natural regeneration of the body's cells. The advanced EES technology works in several ways. It combines scalar waves, PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field), polychrome light and Fibonacci sequences to create a healthy energy field. Here at Lights of Energy, we stand for holistic health and wellness. Our services include a variety of treatments aimed at restoring and maintaining the body's natural balance.
What is EES (Energy Enhancement System)?
The EESystem is an advanced technology that works on multiple levels. It combines scalar waves, pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), polychromatic light and Fibonacci sequences to create a powerful energy field. By staying in this energy field, cells receive the energy they need to regain their strength and return to their original millivolt levels. Healthy cells help keep the entire body healthy and functioning optimally.
This energy field is generated by special computers and screens that are aligned so that their waves create a fusion of photons and a scalar vortex. Staying in the room is enough for the body's cells to absorb energy, regenerate and eliminate toxins.
Staying in this energy field can help eliminate and neutralize the effects of disruptive frequencies in the body while optimizing energy at the cellular level to 70-90 millivolts, which is the original blueprint of our body.
When the cells are charged, all the toxins contained within them begin to be released from the cell. Research has shown that sessions in an EE system can lead to DNA repair and telomere lengthening. The stem cells are also activated in your own body.
This technology creates the optimal environment for our body, improving blood circulation, oxygen uptake and increasing energy in the cells. In this state, the body can regenerate and restore its overall health and balance.
The technology was developed by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael over a period of more than 20 years. The EESystem uses specially installed computers to generate morphogenetic energy fields that can promote healing processes in the body. This technology has been recognized worldwide at medical and scientific conferences and is used in wellness centers, by therapists, doctors and in meditation centers. It is designed to unite body, mind and soul and thus contribute to increased well-being and higher states of consciousness (EESystem, UNIFYD Healing).
The EESystem technology is described as environmentally friendly and safe and is designed to help users relax, rejuvenate and improve their overall health. Although the system makes no medical claims, many users report positive experiences such as increased vitality, relaxation and general well-being.
By law, I must point out to you that the EES frequency application is not recognized by conventional medicine. EES is a wellness application.
Results may vary. The information you find on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for the advice of your doctor. Lights of Energy does not offer medical advice, diagnosis, prescription of treatments or treatment/prevention/cure of diseases. The findings and nutritional tips you find on this website are in no way intended as a substitute for conventional medical treatment. If you have a (serious) illness or health problem, always consult your doctor. Of course, it does NOT replace the treatment of a doctor or alternative practitioner and does not replace medication!